Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Why CSS?

The reason for my interest in choosing the topic of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is because of time. When we first started the class and started writing HTML, my first thought was that this is very cool but surely there must be shortcuts out there to use. Wouldn’t it be cool to have something like hotkeys available where you could hit F5 or something like that and it would plug in all the extra typing for you (style=“50%, font=#64991,etc….)? Well, I think I have found a solution in CSS. Basically CSS is a feature that is added to HTML that allows developers and users to control how pages are displayed. A style sheet can be created defining certain elements and then can be added to any web page, essentially saving time and work. A great website that displays all of the beauty of CSS is appropriately named CSS Beauty. Be sure to check it out, it is a must see.

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